
(small pond)

物件名 上町しぜんの国保育園(small pond)
所在地 東京都世田谷区世田谷2−10
主要用途 保育所
発注者 社会福祉法人東香会
用途地域 第一種中高層住居専用地域
構造 鉄筋コンクリート造+木造
階数 地上2階建て
最高高さ 9.290m
最高軒高 5.540m
前面道路 北側12.360m、北東側9.090m
敷地面積 770.120m2
建築面積 462.030m2
延床面積 747.860m2
設計期間 2018年4月1日〜2018年4月30日
工事期間 2018年5月1日〜2019年1月31日
担当 中佐昭夫、天野徹平
構造設計 名和研二、下田仁美/NAWAKENJI-M
設備設計 浅野光、池田匠/設備計画
プロデュース 齋藤紘良/しぜんの国保育園園長
家具・サイン ニイハラフクミ/ZUBO UNIT ZERO
遊戯室音響 福岡功訓/Fly sound
掲載 『KINDERGARTEN ARCHITECTURE』 2020/8月出版 Booq Publishing
『先端教育』 2020/4月号 先端教育機構出版部
受賞 2019年 GOOD DESIGN賞受賞
写真 矢野紀行

「上町しぜんの国保育園(small pond)」は、2014年に竣工した「しぜんの国保育園(small village)」の系列園としてつくられた。

small village では町田市忠生という地域の将来を見越して、様々な世代や文化の人々が集まって交流できる、小さな村のような保育園として設計した。それに対して今回の世田谷では、設計初期段階で地形・歴史・都市計画の成り立ちを調査するフィールドワークを行い、一帯が100年前は河原の雑木林だったこと、雨が流れ込んでくる谷地で前面道路の下には今も暗渠として川が流れていることなど、昔から親水性の高い土地であることがわかった。おそらく川が流れていたのが理由だと思われるが、都市計画上の主要道路ではなく商業地域でもないのに道路幅が広く、昔のままで空の広がりを残した貴重な土地であることもわかった。この場所で子供がのびのびと育つことを、水が湧き出るイメージに重ねつつ、系列園であることもふまえ、small pond というコンセプトが決まった。











Name of the Project : small pond
Location : Setagaya ward, Tokyo
Category : nursery
Zoning use district : –
Fire protection specification : –
Structure : Reinforced‐concrete + Wood construction
Number of stories : 2 floors above ground
Maximum height : 9.290 m
Maximum eave height : 5.540 m
Frontal road : 12.36 m on the north , 9.09 m on the northeast
Site area : 770.12 m2
Building area : 462.03 m2
Total floor area : 747.86 m2
Completion : January 31, 2019
Architect : Akio NAKASA(Principal Architect) , Teppei AMANO
Photographer : Toshiyuki Yano

Kamimachi SIZEN-NO-KUNI Day Care Center “small pond” is an affiliate of Day Care Center “small village” completed in 2014 by the same client.

“small village” was designed to serve as a future small village where people of various generation and culture gather and mingle in the context of a local community in Tadao, Machida city, a suburban area in western Tokyo.
In this project, we conducted a fieldwork to study geography, history and urban planning of the vicinity, a densely populated residential district in the central Tokyo, which used to be wooded area by a creek one hundred years ago. The premises is on a lowland where rainwater streams in and a creek runs in culvert under the front road. We found out that this area has always had hydrophilic nature. The width of the front road is wide although it is not a principal road in terms of urban planning nor the district is not commercial (most probably because it used to be a creek), leaving rare open space toward the sky around the premises. Likening the name of the other affiliate day care center, its concept/ name was decided on “small pond”, in a hope that children be spontaneous as water gushing out from pond.

Determinant element in design conception was participation of Mr. Makoto Aoyama as the principal of this day care center, who was invited by a board chairperson of Tokokai, a social welfare corporation, Mr. Koryo Saito, the owner of this project. Mr. Aoyama has been an active practitioner of child care in various fields, such as speaker at seminars, event planning, writing essays while working at “Ringo no ki (apple tree) club”, a non registered child care facility in Yokohama. His belief that “day care centers are essentially not necessary for taking care of children as children have potential to grow on their own. Day care centers are required as there is no place in a community for children to get together and learn on their own” led us to reconsider raison d’etre of day care center. Our response to the objective of this day care center was to offer a place where “community raises children”.

We discovered it was crucial to enhance the quality of nursing and create good relations with neighbors through interviewing Mr. Aoyama on his nursing methodology (which has emphasis on meetings run by children), dialogue with neighbors and nurses, and studying information gained by the fieldwork. In order to achieve the objective, we thought it necessary to create a place to where children and adults feel “secure” and also provide opportunity to feel “nature” such as earth, greenery, light, wind, warmth and coldness.

As design elements to create “secure” feeling, we employed below:
– Building layout to create buffer zone between the neighbors
– Garden layout which preserves open sky in the future
– Exterior wall recess to give space for open passage
– Frontage and height of residential building
– Hipped roof to ease pressure
As design elements to create various connections with “nature”, we employed below:
– Every nursing room to have unique spatial composition to create different intake of light and wind
– Flexible zoning within the premises which allows boundless connection between interior and exterior of the building once fixtures are open
– Durable material which coexist with nature
Nursing in cross age group of zero to five year old, rare style in Japan, along with community activity inviting neighbors and events inviting external guests take place under this environment.

The lot is hook shaped hexagon which can result in much dead space with three to four-story houses on south side whose shadow is constantly cast on the premises. During design process, neighbors requested that part of day care center building to recess. These restrictions and conditions were transformed to its spatial features and variable composition as whole.

Following materials and styles are employed as detail designs:
– Highly resistant flooring material for both nursing room and restroom so that little children will not feel insecure (children feel uneasy when flooring materials change by the space.)
– The colonial roof proportion which is employed in neighboring houses is employed for sheet metal allocation and enlarged in order to reduce oppressive impression.
– Exterior wall facing garden within the reach of children is made of wooden board to reduce risk of injury and laid vertically to avoid climbing in dangerous places, otherwise crosswise.
– Distance between the neighbors and privacy of the day center is adjusted by interstice between the boards stuck vertically and crosswise (wider facing road, narrower facing neighbors).
– Trees planted in the garden are fruit bearing with which they can make jam and tree spread allows tree climbing easy. Soft lawn is grown underneath the trees.
– Unpainted wood is used for deck and wooden boarding to let its color fade slowly in several years and titanium zinc alloy, which is maintenance free and changes over years, is employed for the roof.

We hoped that grand design and design details would contribute to the foundation of good relations with the neighbors and improvement of nursing quality.

Just in one year, communication skill of children in this day care center has remarkably developed and the way they play has also changed. Our conviction that children were supple as gashing water gave us opportunity to reconsider essential role and function of a day care center as a place to nurture children.

– Akio Nakasa –
